Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Question for God.

We all know that some people go to Heaven and some go to Hell.
And we know that you are all-knowing.
But if you knew that some people would be going to Hell, why did you create us?
hmmm >:/



Floyd said...

Even though he knows, he still gives us the freedom of choice.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Rachel...He wanted us here to love Him. We are someone with whom He can have a love relationship with. I think that even though it causes Him great sadness that so many people are losing out on that, He is still very joyous over the few that choose to follow Him and love Him the way He loves us. I ALSO think that there is a LOT that we as humans aren't supposed to know. So...leave it up to God to be funny and give us little pea brains so we can't comprehend it all! luv you!