Thursday, December 11, 2008

I've Been Thinkin'...Overthinkin'...

So...I have all four finals next week.
& I must say I've never been this stressed out about anything.
Also, I'm not really that excited about Christmas.
Maybe it's cause I'm worrying about finals so much??
I don't know... I wish it was over.
Another thing I've been thinking about is my future and it literally keeps me awake at night.
For hours.
&& its that I want to ACT.
I can't describe how badly I want this.
I just pushed out that idea as a plan for the future & didn't even think about pursuing it until recently.
I have an achy feeling inside me that just... YEARNS for it I guess you could say.
I know that I'm meant to do his.
Why would God give me such a passion and talent for something if I wasn't meant to use it?
But of course, I don't have the support of anyone...well, that I know of.
My parents do not support the idea of me majoring in theatre
and going out for casting calls for movies and stuff like that.
"What makes you think you can do it?" My mom says. "You're one in a MILLION."
& I said, "EXACTLY. "
I AM one in a million!!
I am unlike any other girl or... PERSON that I've ever met.
There isn't anyone like me.
I don't want to sound conceited but it's true!
There is no other Heidi Nicole Buie.
I just have to let ME shine through all the other typical actresses around everywhere.
That's gonna be hard to do.
But I just felt a surge of confidence right now.
But then I have these doubts.
What if it's stupid to even dream about?
I hate those thoughts.
hmmm. :/

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